Alaska - English Garden PDF (download)
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Alaska - English Garden
Pieced Quilt Pattern using our "English Garden" fabric collection.
Perfect for any level quilter!
Finished quilt size is 71½" x 71½".
Fabric Requirements:
Print 1 - 5/8 yard of A-792-L Biscuits
Print 2 - Fat 1/4 of A-791-K London
Print 3 - 1/2 yard of A-796-T Cottage
Print 4 - Fat 1/4 of A-801-T Misty Morning
Print 5 - Fat 1/6 of A-794-T Earl Grey
Print 6 - Fat 1/4 of A-799-N Licorice
Print 7 - Fat 1/4 of A-793-P Jam
Print 8 - Fat 1/8 of A-797-N Tea
Print 9 - 1/2 yard of A-797-T Dark Earl Grey
Print 10 - 1/2 yard of A-792-K Dark Licorice
Print 11 - Fat 1/4 of A-801-Y Lemon Meringue
Print 12 - Fat 1/4 of A-795-O Cheesecake
Print 13 - Fat 1/8 of A-798-P Raspberry Pudding
Print 14 - Fat 1/8 of A-795-K Black
Print 15 - Fat 1/4 of A-794-P Fruit Tart
Print 16 - Fat 1/8 of A-799-L Fog
Print 17 - 1¼ yards of A-793-LE Cream
Print 18 - 1½ yards of A-796-L Sugar
Print 19 - Fat 1/8 of A-799-P Dark Jam