Virginia Star - Mini PDF (download)
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Virginia Star - Mini
Pieced Quilt Pattern using some of your favorite Laundry Basket Quilts fabric collections.
Perfect for any level quilter!
Quilt size is 28¼" x 28¼"
Finished Block is 13½ x 13½"
Fabric Requirements:
Darks: 1/8 yard of 8 fabrics
Lights: 1/8 yard of 6 fabrics
Accent: 1/8 yard of 2 fabrics
Background: 2/3 yard of star panel fabric for fussy cutting (If using regular fabric, only 1/4 yard of fabric is required)
Binding: 1/2 yard fabric
Backing: 1 yards fabric
*Pattern does not include directions for an Eight Point Star. This design uses a pre-printed panel fabric for background. Looking to make your own Eight Point Stars for the background? Our 5" Eight Point Star Template would be perfect!