Welcome back to class!
How are my students doing?
I love teaching, learning, and growing with you all!

Lets create a different kind of HST block design today!
Ready to learn something new?
We have two color options to choose from:

Valley Ranch - Twinkle Fabric Collection

Valley Ranch Scrappy
Now join us in the classroom to
learn, practice, and try something new!
Watch our helpful video tutorial on this block for tips!
🍎 Classroom Supplies:
When I work on a project, I love to have the finished quilt picture in front of me
to inspire me and remind me what I have to look forward to.
Tomorrow we will be learning about Block 2.
Feel free to do your homework and get your fabrics prepped and ready
for this block SEW you can have another amazing day!

Happy Learning!
Show and Tell your blocks with us on Facebook and Instagram!
Salom, o'yin o'ynab, moliyaviy foyda olish va o'yin natijasini taxmin qilish qobiliyatini sinab ko'rish uchun qiziqarli va ishonchli saytni tavsiya qiladigan joy bormi? Men yaxshi o'yinlar va yutuq imkoniyatlari bo'lgan saytlarni izlayapman. Agar kimdir bunday saytlarga ega bo'lsa, iltimos, ulashib ko'rsating.
he progression system is cleverly designed to keep players engaged, as each successful combination in Merge Fruit unlocks new fruits and rewards, encouraging players to continue experimenting and exploring.