Welcome back everyone! If you are just joining us, we are so happy to have you! (Click here to start with Block 1!)

With the first row of our neighborhood down, it’s time to move on to the next street!

You will need: Winter Village pattern, fabric (we have kits!), rotary, ruler, fabric pencil, pins, scissors, seam press, and Aurifil thread 2310

We will begin by cutting House 6. Follow the directions on page 10 of the Winter Village Pattern and lay out all your pieces for your sixth house.

This house is made from 3 units. I’m going to show you how to make 1 unit:

We will assemble our unit by sewing the top and bottom blue rectangles to the light window square. Pin and sew the blue side rectangles to complete the unit.

Complete the remaining 2 units of the house following the same steps as above, and finish by sewing all 3 units together into one row. Now add the square roof and press.

To make the chimneys for all 3 units, sew together light rectangles and square in a row.

Complete your block by sewing the house row, chimney row and sky together and press. Pin and sew on side sashing to finish House 6.

We will now cut House 7. Follow the directions on page 11 of the Winter Village Pattern and lay out all of your pieces for the seventh house.

Begin by sewing light windows and door with blue rectangles.
Please visit our YouTube channel for additional tips on pinning and matching the windows.

Add roof and side sashing to complete House 7.

We will now cut House 8. Follow the directions on page 12 of the Winter Village Pattern and lay out all of your pieces for the eighth house.

Begin by sewing light and blue HST unit to make a roof. Then sew blue rectangles to the top and bottom of light window and sew blue rectangles on each side.

Pin and sew, sky rectangle, HST roof unit, and house unit together. Add side sashing and press to complete House 8.
Love crafting houses? Get creative with it!

Use your new quilting skills and any leftover scraps to make other projects to decorate your home! Check out our YouTube channel and Winter Village Mini Recipe Blogs (posted every Wednesday!) for measurements, sewing tips, and more!
Happy Quilting! Edyta
We look forward to seeing your towns grow! Tag us on social media and hashtag #wintervillagequiltalong